Accueil » Crossing paths on the conservation of building heritage : Japan, Italy and Tunisia

Crossing paths on the conservation of building heritage : Japan, Italy and Tunisia

by Sadok Chaieb

C’est l’intitulé du symposium si intéressant sur la conservation du patrimoine bâti, et qui rassemblera des spécialistes de l’Université de Tunis, de l’ENAU, de la Saga University au Japon, et de l’Università degli Studi di Palermo en Italie.
Il se tiendra les 7 et 8 juillet 2023 à l’ENAU. Le 7 juillet sera consacré aux conférences, le 8 aux conférences académiques.

7 juillet 2023 : CONFERENCES

8h30-9h00 registration 9h00-9h25 opening speech

Session 1: Sustainable tourism in buit heritage
Session’s president: Prof.Habib SAIDI

9h 05-9h25 Prof. Habib Saidi
Overtourism/Undertourism : Reflections on a Crisis of Wealth and Inequity

9h25-9h45 Prof. Mishima Nobuo
Regeneration and its sustainable effects on landmark architecture in traditional towns facing depopulation

9h45-10h00 Dr. Andrea D’Amore
Sustainable tourism in Sicilian inner areas: an example of active conservation

10h00-l0hl5 Dr. Asma Guedria
The sustainable development in Nefta

10h15-10h30 discussion

10h30-11h00 break

Session 2: Innovative technology and sustainability in built heritage
Session’s president: Prof.M.L.GERMANA

11h00-11h20 Prof. Maria Luisa Germana: Ethics in innovative technologies within the built heritage: risk or improvement factor?

11h20-11h35 Dr. Mellouli Olfa : Application of Smart Heritage concept in Carthage

11h35-llh50 Assist. Prof. Rami DERBEL: Perception of urban heritage townscapes by deep learning computer vision methods

11h50-12h05 discussion

12h05-14h00 lunch

Session 3: Regenerative design concepts and practices
Session’s president: Prof.Fakher KHARRAT

14h00-14h20 Prof. Fakher Kharrat : Critical restoration of the baron d’Erlanger’s palace, Sidi Bou Said

14h20-14h40 Prof Goto Ryutaro : Regeneration Method for Japanese Traditional ‘Wooden House : A Case Study of G-House

14h40-14h55 Dr.Ons Sekji Adaptative reuse in Tunis city

14h55- 15h10 Dr.Imen Ben Said: Restoration of residences in the Medina of Tunis

15h10-15h25 discussion

15h25-15h55 : break

Session 4 : Disaster risk mitigation in buit heritage
Session’s president: Prof. Nobuo MISHIMA

15h55-16h10 Nishimura Kanami : Study on evacuation of overnight tourists during internal flooding due to climate change considering temporary use of public facility in historic district

16h10-16h20 Minori Miyaguchi : Visualization of the legal problems toward the preservation of historic townscape

16h20-16h30 discussion

16h30-17h00 general discussion and closing

JULY 8, 2023

9h00-10h00 Prof Mishima Nobuo : Regenerative urban design for the conservation of sustainable historic local town

10h00-11h00 Prof Goto Ryutaro: Spatial Characteristics of Japanese Castle Town and Rural Villages Adapting to the lowlands

11h00-11h30 break

11h30-12h30 Assoc. Prof Suemitsu Kazuhiro : New Architecture Design with Sustainablity

12h30-13h00 Assist. Prof. Rami DERBEL: Research Laboratory System in Japan

13h00-14h00 lunch

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